ILI91: The Para-Anon Network

Location: Various internet forums and social media websites. Status: Active. Description and Behavior: The Para-Anon Network is a decentralised collection of anomalous ‘hacktivists’ often closely associated with the Blood Angel Cult (IMI2), sometimes to the point of functioning as the digital arm of certain cells. Individual members tend to utilize their own anomalous abilities, anomalous … Continue reading ILI91: The Para-Anon Network

ALI59: House Dinos

Location: Ordered online via temporary websites. Some feral cases exist. Status: Active. Description and Behavior: House Dinos are anomalous pets sold by an unknown organization through temporary websites that are advertised through social media. Despite the name House Dinos are not actually dinosaurs but are rather other animals genetically engineered to resemble the pop cultural … Continue reading ALI59: House Dinos

SLC39: The Stream Messiah

Location: Livestreams manifest at random on various livestreaming websites. Status: Active. Description and Behavior: The Stream Messiah is an anomalous animatronic depicting Jesus Christ that, from archived footage, seems to reside in the rundown basement of an unknown building. From its location, it participates in near-constant livestreams of itself speaking to the audience. The websites … Continue reading SLC39: The Stream Messiah